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I’m writing this because on my last excursion I saw an alarming amount of loose toilet paper and on the shore of a beautiful mountain lake. I guess not many people know how to poop in the woods or understand how to dig a cat hole.
Consider this: imagine sitting in your living room when a piece of used toilet paper blows past you. A piece of TP from a stranger no less, and your dog grabs it and starts eating it (in all fairness, Charlie will eat anything). That’s what happens when you do a “shit and run” and someone camps in the same spot later on.
General rules for pooping in the woods
Why do we care about properly disposing of human waste?
Water contamination is number one. We procure our water from lakes and streams when we’re out backpacking.
There’s also concern about wild animals getting into the waste, not to mention no one wants to see it out in the open.
You should be prepared to make a doody every time you go camping. At a minimum carry a trowel like this nifty one from GSI. The trowel has serrated edges, a ruler, and instructions on it that tell you how to poop in the woods. It’s always in my lightweight backpacking kit.

Is it illegal to poop in the woods?
Some sensitive areas, like the wilderness area surrounding Mount Whitney, for example, require you carry out your waste. All of it.
In these areas, you’ll need to carry a WAG bag (buy a 6-pack at Amazon for $21.99). WAG bags are essentially two thick garbage bags, a gelling compound, TP, and hand sanitizer for you to take care of your business and take it with you until you can dispose of it.
Different methods of pooping in the woods
Remember our priorities:
- Prevent contamination
- Encourage decomposition
- Leave no trace of human presence
1. Best option: Pack it in, pack it out
Carrying your waste back out with you is the best option to practice “leave no trace” principles.
Bringing your own bags won’t be sufficient; dumping human waste in the garbage is not just gross but also illegal.
The WAG bags mentioned above have a gelling compound in them that supposedly neutralizes all the bad stuff found in human waste. By the time you get back to the trailhead, you can throw the heavy-duty, double-bagged pile in the trash. NOT the pit toilets!
But for this to be effective, yes, you actually have to carry the bag back out. Mount Whitney is littered with WAG bags “hidden” behind small rocks because people are averse to carrying it with them. It’s fine, it won’t kill you.
2. Most common: Dig a Cat Hole
Not everyone carries WAG bags with them, especially since they’re not required in most places.
So this is where you need to know how to poop in the woods using your shiny new trowel to dig a cat hole.
How to dig & use a cat hole
- Find a suitable location at least 200 feet from any water, campsites, and trails. As a rule of thumb, the distance is about 80 steps (40 paces). Look for soft, moist, organic soil that will promote decomposition if you can find it.
- Dig a hole at least 6″ in diameter and a minimum of 6″ deep. The trowel has a ruler to help.
- Do your business next to the hole. If you’re not carrying your TP back out, throw it in the hole first.
- Shovel your shit into the hole on top of the TP using a stick or something else you can also throw in the hole.
- Cover everything with dirt.
- Place a large rock & other natural materials on top to deter someone else from digging right there.
Do not put any kind of wipes in the hole unless they’re special biodegradable wipes. Anything that’s not biodegradable must be packed out in a bag and disposed of properly.
Test time
Take a look at the satellite image below.
This is Dardanelles Lake, where I experienced the final straw prompting this rant. Where would you poop? Scroll down for the answers.
Scroll down…
No cheating…
How to poop in the woods without toilet paper
I carry a small amount of TP in a Ziploc bag. But you can still poop in the woods without toilet paper.
- Collect smooth rocks or large, smooth leaves while hiking. No poisonous stuff for the love of God! Stick them in your pocket when you come across them so they’re ready when you need them. I’m partial to the large fuzzy plants that seem to grow near water sources, or mules ears (you know, the yellow flowering plant). I collect a few and always have them with me throughout the day.
- Snow makes a great bum cleaner. Make a snowball with a pointy end and use that to clean off. The snow will act as a natural bidet. Be sure to bury all of the used snow.
Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer also. And don’t forget it when you grab your trowel and TP to go do your business!
Questions or comments? Happy pooping!
Kent gordon
Sunday 26th of June 2022
Ranger confidential by Andrea Lankford makes excellent toilet paper
What to 'doo' when nature calls - Do Good Shit
Monday 2nd of November 2020
[…] a hole at least 6-inches in diameter and a minimum of 6-inches deep. This will allow an easy cover up for when you’ve finished your […]
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[…] read more on general wilderness bathroom etiquette, check out this tasteful article by John […]
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Thursday 23rd of April 2020
[…] 4. Stay Outside: If you can, turn off all the lights in and around the house. Bring all the things you need so you only have to make trips inside to use the bathroom. If you want to learn or teach the kids how to safely go to the bathroom outside follow this link: https://www.jmpeltier.com/how-to-poop-in-the-woods/ […]
Tuesday 28th of November 2017
It's a shitty job... but someone had to say it... thanks!
John Peltier
Tuesday 28th of November 2017
Shit pun for the win! :)